Friday, April 08, 2005

Psalm 145

Reflections from Psalm 145

Holy God~
I have been on the mountaintop and seen your glory, splendor, and majesty. I exalt you my God the King. Great are you Lord and most worthy of praise! Your greatness I cannot comprehend. It’s beyond my imagination. I will tell of your mighty acts …
  • You found me in my pathetic condition and called me to come forward. I was crippled and bent over from humiliation, shame, and rejection. I could not stand up straight for many years. My back ached horribly. I was dirty and smelly because I could not clean myself properly. I was helpless! In your gracious, compassionate, rich love you found me, focused on me, and fixed me. You immediately cured me and restored me. You washed me with Living Water and purified me. I am a living miracle and I will extol you Mighty God!

I will speak of your marvelous wonders. I will meditate on your wonderful works. They are awesome. You have done great things. I am celebrating your abundant goodness! I am delighting in your righteousness.

I will tell of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your mighty acts so that others will know there is a cure for their infirmity. I will bring others to your everlasting kingdom for a touch of your greatness.

You are faithful to all your promises and loving toward all you have made. You uphold me when I fall down. You lift me up when I am bent over from sin. Your timing is impeccable when you supply my needs. You satisfy the desires of my heart. You are righteous in all your ways. You are near to those who believe you and call on your name. You hear my cry and save me. You watch over me because of my deep love for you. I will praise your name forever and ever because of Jesus. Amen.

What mighty act or wonderful work has God done in your life? Read through Psalm 145 and praise Him for it.

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