Thursday, June 30, 2005

Reflections from Psalm 116

Ps 116: 15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.

Gracious God, my loving Father-
O how I love You! When I cried out to You for mercy, You attentively bent down to listen to my soft voice. Because You heard me when I was staring death in the face and overcome by sorrow, my love for You has grown. You were gracious, righteous and compassionate. Hot tears trickled down my face. You gently wiped them away. Weary and wounded, You embraced me in Your loving arms, comforted me, and provided me with much needed rest. You showered me with blessing. Thank You, Father.

My loved one is precious in Your sight. In his life and death You were glorified because he was Your faithful servant. You have lovingly welcomed him home. He is with You in Paradise! I praise You God for the joy that fills my heart.

What can I give back to You for the blessings You poured out on me? I will gladly accept the bitter brew of affliction because it will improve my spiritual health. Drinking it, I will grow in faith. Then, I will partake from the cup of sweet salvation. Sipping from it, I will give thanks to You for Your goodness and faithfulness that follows bitterness. I will taste the luscious love You bestow upon Your children and I will share it with others. I will serve You all the days of my life by doing good and being kind. Father, You are so good and merciful to me, even in my despair. I praise You Lord for Your precious Son who offers me consolation and sweet salvation. Hallelujah! Amen.

If you cry out to God in your despair, He will hear You and answer from heaven. Praise God for your salvation! Worshipping Him with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength is a thankful response for what He has done.

We used this Scripture at dad’s memorial celebration.

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