Friday, September 09, 2005

Psalm 20:7

Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Almighty God-
You are my One and Only true source of escape and protection. Forgive me for relying on chariots and horses: family and friends, money and materialism, desires and dreams for security.

In times of distress, I need to run right into Your all-sufficient strong arms. Rather than collapsing during crisis and conflict I can stand firm with You. When inadequacy and insecurity immobilize me I can aggressively look them in the eye and boast in Your powerful name! You are my God, strong and mighty! I want to have complete confidence in who You are so that I can trust in Your holy name.

When my heart is heavy and fear is settling in my soul I want to escape to the safety of Your presence. Because of Your unfailing love, You promise that I will stand firm. I believe you. I may lose my friends and family, money and materialism, desires and dreams but I will never, ever lose my relationship with You. Trusting You is my only hope and peace.

Assured of the saving power of Your strong right hand, I will rejoice in my salvation. In the shelter of Your protection I will celebrate victory by worshipping and praising Your wonderful name. To Your name be the glory and power forever! Amen.

Who or what are you placing your trust in?

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