Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Exodus 33: 11, 17

11 The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. 17 And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."

John 15: 15-16
Jesus said, "15I have called you friends …16You did not choose me, but I chose you."

Holy and Awesome God!
I am astonished that you have chosen a sinner like me to be Your friend. You are holy, perfect, and pure. I’m imperfect and impure. My life is in shambles! I’m incredibly needy! Of all the beautiful and gifted people in the world who seem to have so much to offer, You have chosen me to be Your friend. I have no beauty, no gift, and no clout to offer. Yet You, Most High King, know me! You know my name and are pleased with me. How can this be?

It is a mystery I will never understand, but I believe You have called me "friend." You’ve shown me by example that it’s not the rich and famous you befriend, but ordinary people with humble hearts like mine. I will give my whole heart to You and be Your friend too. I long to hear You speak to me face to face as friends do.

I’ll start by checking in with You every day. In prayer, I’ll pour out my heart to You knowing that You’ll listen attentively. I’ll tell you when I’m happy or sad. I’ll seek Your advice before making difficult decisions. Your Word, the Holy Scriptures, will speak back to me wisdom and encouragement. You will counsel me and teach me when I come to You as a friend. It will please You when I listen to Your advice. For my respect, You will give me rich blessings and favors.

I will cherish our relationship and look forward to our time together! I could search the whole world and find no friend as dependable or trustworthy as You! You are a holy and awesome Friend! Thank You for choosing me! I am blessed beyond measure! Amen.

Have you checked in with your Best Friend today? If not, now is the time to give Him a call.

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