Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Sweeter Than Chocolate

I just love God’s Word! It’s sweeter than chocolate! One evening I was deeply immersed in the Word of God. He wrapped me in Psalm 16:7, assuring me of His wise counsel. The next morning, when I reached my destination, anxious and uncertain, I picked up a finely wrapped piece of chocolate to comfort my unraveled nerves. Believe it or not, attached to the chocolate was verse 8! Truly, God speaks even through chocolate! He will go to any length to prove that He is always there, trustworthy and dependable.

Psalm 16:7-8
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.

8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.

Secure and Steadfast God,

Your Word is sweeter than chocolate! I crave You with all of my heart!

Thank You for graciously counseling me. Your timeless Words are very wise. Your timely advice is always right. Teach me to make good decisions that will please You. Tune my ears to recognize Your Voice, my mind to understand Your Words, and my heart to obey Your Ways. When I’m too exhausted to think clearly, in the silence of my soul, speak to me. Tomorrow is sure to be another exhilarating day with more unexpected twists and turns.

Please go ahead of me. I’m utterly dependent on Your wise guidance to lead me through uncertain situations. It is vital that I remain in constant communication with You by reading my Bible and praying. You know the way that will lead me to all the jewels of Jesus. Willingly, I’ll take Your strong right hand, walking through briars, thorns, and thickets. I won’t try to avoid pain, trouble and failure. Connected to You, they won’t hurt me.

Dear Lord, please give me the courage to hold on tightly, trusting that You know exactly where You’re taking me. Following Your reliable instructions, I’ll be secure and steadfast. Looking forward to the riches of heaven, eternity with You and everlasting happiness, my heart and lips will cheerfully sing a sweet song to the glory of Your dependable name. Amen.

I need God’s counsel for __________________________________________. Pray, asking Him for wisdom. Open Your Bible and listen to His Voice. Obey His instruction and He will reward You with chocolate from heaven – the Truth! Then, you, too, will know that He is trustworthy and dependable. Praise Him!

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