Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Love Generously

Romans 15: 26-27a
26For you see, the believers in Greece have eagerly taken up an offering for the Christians in Jerusalem, who are going through such hard times. 27They were very glad to do this. NLT

Generous God,
The Blessed and Only Ruler.
O how I love and adore You because of Your incredible provision. Freely, You’ve given me much more than I need. I yearn to be happy with what I have. I need to escape from the advertising induced need for every gizmo and gadget. To survive in a materialistic culture, please teach me the difference between wants and needs. I long to be satisfied living a simple life with less stuff. Make me rich in faith, hope and love.

Filled with a spirit of contentment, I won’t arrogantly chase after meaningless trinkets and trophies. I won’t depend on a fortune for fulfillment. Rather, I’ll put my hope in You. Focused on my incredible heavenly inheritance, willingly I’ll deprive myself of worldly pleasures and treasures to be wealthy in good deeds. Like the Greeks, I’ll eagerly share my blessings with others. I’ll freely and cheerfully, share my time with sick, sad strangers. It will be a pleasure to serve weak, weary, worn out people going through hard times. Gladly, I’ll donate dollars to feed and dress the destitute.

Please fill my heart with more of Your generous love today. Let me overflow with generosity to needy Christians in my neighborhood, nation and world. Then, I’ll be abundantly blessed and eternally satisfied. All that I have and all that I am belong to You, my King who lavishes me with everlasting love forever, and ever. Amen.

Ask God to give you a spirit of contentment and the desire to contribute to needy Christians in your neighborhood, nation and world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Prayerpal,

Thank you for sharing your heart and giving of your time. It is not in vain. It has blessed my heart many times. May the Lord richly bless you!

Much love in Jesus, Michelle