Friday, May 19, 2006

God's Faithfulness

10:15 p.m. RMT - May 18, 2006

Faithful Father,
Humbly, I come to the cross offering You a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving! My head is dizzy from today's ride. It was fun! It was thrilling! It was beyond expectations! I'm so glad I got on board and didn't turn back.

Thank You for guiding me to the right location at the Y. Registration was smooth. A friendly lady named Charlotte from TX was the woman You sent to comfort me. I quickly connected with another woman named Jennifer whom I sat with in the first general session. Bless her heart, she went to Starbucks and brought me back a latte!

A chaplain spoke. He was at Columbine ministering to the distressed. He was in NYC ministering to rescue workers after 9-1-1. I was compelled to ask for an appointment with him. Perhaps he can expand the PP to the sick and imprisoned ... maybe guide me to funding. God granted my request, I will meet with him on Friday at 2:00 p.m. RMT (4:00 EST).

Then, Bo Cassell spoke. He's a youth minister. His message was Proclaiming the Way, the Truth and the Life to the Next Generation. Can you believe - he used the amusement park analogy! Many people avoid the scary rides and opt for the snack bar. The thrill of the adventure is in the scary ride! Okay, God, I think that was a direct word from You to me!

At lunch I sat with a dear woman from CO. Her name is Linda Heil. Please bless her! She had an appointment with Bethany House. I wasn't given an appointment with them. I shared with her my Prayer Pal ministry. She was so touched and inspired that she gave me her appointment with Bethany House! This is huge! Any author seeking to be published would want to speak to Bethany House. However, she didn't have anything specific to talk to them about, and insisted that I take her meeting! I exalt You, O God for Your provision!

The meeting with Bethany House went ok. Jeanne Hedrick took my book proposal. She'll get back to me in 4 -6 weeks. No promises. Little hope. They receive hundreds of manuscripts. Editors gather in a room, and select the few their interested in publishing. But, I know You are in control God. You scheduled the appointment! So I will wait ... and if the answer is "no" that's ok!

I also had a 15 minute meeting with Joyce Hart, a literary agent. She agreed that I'm a very good writer and have an amazing minister. However, she has never been successful in selling a devotional to a publisher and hesitates to represent me. Before I was done speaking to her, she requested my book proposal, greeting card and brochure sample. Who knows, God? Only You.

Finally, I had a 30 minute critique with Linda Evans Shepherd, a published author and national speaker. She too was complimentary of my work ... so I'm naked before my readers. She wished she knew more about me as she read them ... wonder what I was experiencing and encouraged me to share what's going on in my life. She was impressed with my book proposal and suggested a few editoral changes, offering to endorse the PP. I appreciate her constructive criticism. She is a tremendous woman of faith!

Many people here, make my faith look so small ... please dear Lord, just give me the faith I need to believe you! This is Your story and all glory is Yours! Now, I better get to bed ... tomorrow's another long day!

When I got back to my cabin this evening, Donna told me that she just found out late this afternoon that she has breast cancer! Please dear Lord, touch her with Your healing grace and fill her heart and mind with Your peace.

I love You Lord, and thank You for all that You did for me today. Your loving daughter.

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