Thursday, June 01, 2006

God's Faithfulness and Unfailing Love

Psalm 89:15-17, 24
15 Happy are those who hear the joyful call to worship,
for they will walk in the light of your presence, LORD.

16 They rejoice all day long in your wonderful reputation.
They exult in your righteousness.

17 You are their glorious strength.
Our power is based on your favor.

24 My faithfulness and unfailing love will be with him,
and he will rise to power because of me. NLT

O Lord God Almighty!
There is none like You!
You are my glorious strength!
I love to tell the story of Your unfailing love and faithfulness!

I was weak and unworthy of even the simplest spiritual assignment when You called me and gave me the extreme challenge. You mandated that I tell the whole world the life changing story of Your loving kindness.

An ordinary person with no extraordinary talent or training, I was inadequate and unqualified for the job. Nevertheless, You persistently pursued me, promising to empower me. When I finally agreed with You and stopped arguing, You sent the Holy Spirit to train me. Using the Bible, You taught, tested and equipped me. I learned to trust Your wisdom and seek Your advice. My empty mind was filled with knowledge and my hollow heart was filled with Your faithful love. Your vivacious energy gave me courage and confidence.

Before I knew it, I was doing the impossible. Surprisingly, my accomplishments were exceeding my expectations! Knowing who You are and what You can do was the secret to my success. Apart from You I am incompetent, but with You I can achieve unbelievable things. All that I am and have I owe to You, my Teacher, Father and King. Blessed be Your glorious name! Amen.

God calls us to perform tasks we can’t do with our own brains or abilities to prove his unfailing love and faithfulness. What extreme challenge has He given you? Has He asked you to take the test of sickness and suffering? Or are you experiencing a job loss and financial challenges? Maybe you’re assignment involves legal matters that are complex and beyond your comprehension. Perhaps He’s asking you to move to a new job, state, or country. Whatever the assignment, don't argue, agree to the task. admit your weakness, and ask Him to teach, test and equip you. As you learn to trust His wisdom and seek His advice, you too will accomplish unbelievable things!

I have seen God’s amazing love and faithfulness. Surprisingly, He’s called me to write His story for the whole world. For a few months I argued with Him, "Who would want to read my ramblings? They’re just words on paper. I was required to take remedial English in college! I can’t even write! Why me?"

Relentlessly, He pursued me. Finally, after affirmation from several professional writers, I agreed with God and accepted the assignment. To my astonishment, He taught, tested and equipped me. Even more amazing, without any advertising, He sent Prayer Pal into the world—Africa, Australia, Russia and beyond. If that wasn’t enough He sent it into the prison too. Is that not amazing? Not by my brains or abilities, but by His power and strength! Blessed be His glorious name!

Wait, there’s more! He made all the arrangements for me to attend the Christian Writer’s Conference in the Rocky Mountains. The only thing I had to do was go tell my story of His loving kindness. For that He connected me with two publishers and a literary agent. Only by His mercy and providence, will The Prayer Pal be published as devotional gift books. If that never happens, I will still be completely shocked that He could use someone with no talent or training to write His story for the world! Only through the power of God!

I’m looking for the following strategic partners to donate their time, talent, and treasure to further expand Prayer Pal Ministries. Perhaps this is your call to participate in taking His story into the world.
  • An attorney or business partner who can help me with contract negotiations, trademarks and copyrights
  • Someone to develop a web site for Prayer Pal Ministries
  • Someone to promote PP to Prison Fellowship and help obtain an endorsement that will fan the flame throughout prisons in North America.
  • Someone to promote PP to a reputable hospital chaplaincy organization and help obtain an endorsement to spread the Word to the sick and suffering.

To offer yourself to God for His use for Prayer Pal Ministries, please email .

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