Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Consecrating Myself - Preparing for the Impossible Mission

May 16, 2006 11:00 p.m. from my hotel room at BWI

Since I began sharing the prayers from my heart with you electronically about 18 months, I rarely write in a paper journal. Therefore, I didn’t bring one with me. As I sat here in my room all alone, praying, I decided to type my prayer to God and post it on my blog, as a journal and testimony to this adventure I’m on. This is not a Prayer Pal. Don’t feel compelled to read my ramblings … if you do, feel free to leave your encouraging comments, I will give them back to God as a beautiful bouquet of praise posies!

Faithful Father,
I come before you with praise and adoration. You are the One and Only, Almighty, Living God. I bow down and worship You in the beauty of holiness.

Thank You for opening the door for me to go to this writer’s conference in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. You are incredible! Thank You for my job that is flying me there. Thank you for my customer. I knew from the beginning that they were a blessing from you … from the day my heart connected with Susan’s I knew Your hand was on that account. Thank You, Jesus! Thank You for arranging my relationship with Michele who is providing my lodging. Thank You for providing the finances so that I can attend. Thank You for all the affirmation ….
  • My husband’s support, even though he’s nervous about me traveling alone. Before leaving tonight he lugged my big suitcase to the car, loaded it in, gave me a great big juicy kiss and told me how much he loved me! Thank You for providing a husband who loves and adores me! It’s not easy to love a crazy woman like me who loves and pursues You so passionately!
  • The love offering from the widow who only occasionally receives the PP, when I take the time to print hard copy for her! God, we need a printer to help me take care of her!
  • The dear, sweet, kind lady who is so excited about what You have planned for me that she’s wants to take care of my family while I’m away by bringing them homemade chicken pot pie!
  • The beautiful blessings you sent me all the way from Australia!
  • Melissa, my dearly beloved sister whom I’ve never met, yet is compelled to pray for me! She even has her praise team and pastors praying! And, can You believe she sacrificed her lunch hour to pray for me today? That blows me away! I just stand in awe of You!

With my mouth hanging open, jaw dropped, I’m speechless, mesmerized by what You’re doing. In awe of You, I consecrate myself completely to Your service. Lord, I’m devoted to You with all my heart!

Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to thee.
Take my hands and let them move at the impulse of thy love.
Take my feet and let them be swift and beautiful for thee.
Take my will and make it thine, it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is thine own, it shall be thy royal throne,
It shall be thy royal throne.

Lord, I lay myself on the altar, offering all that is within me to all of You. I have no idea where You’re taking me, except to the beautiful Rocky Mountains and into Your presence. Beyond that, I have no idea what to expect! I’m excitedly, anticipating a few surprises to thrill my already overflowing heart! My heart and mind are open to You. And, if PP is nothing more than it is today that’s okay. It’s already fulfilling the great commission to take the gospel into all the world. Daily it’s read in Australia, Africa and Russia! I praise You, Father in Heaven, for using an ordinary girl like me to deliver the Good News from the King into the world. I praise You for the countless other countries who stumble onto my blog. May those viewers be compelled to stop, read, believe and receive You. Use me O God to take the gospel wherever in the world You want it to go. And, thank You for allowing me to be a witness to what a relationship with You can and do in the life a believer, while teaching others to obey You. You’re simply amazing! No wonder I’m in awe of You!

God, I also know that in part the PP is fulfilling Matthew 25. I praise You that it is read in the prison. I desperately want to minister in hospitals and homeless shelters too. I want it to be available to the dear widow who doesn’t have access to the internet, and to orphans. Lord, if it pleases You, will You please grant my request for a publisher/producer?

God, all glory I is Yours. This is not my story, but Your story. I’m just entering into what you’re doing through me – pursuing You. I’m trusting You to send me down the right path. I can’t go it alone. I need You to lead and guide me. This is something only You can do. No matter how hard I try, my best effort is futile. I have no idea what I’m doing! Please put together the plan, and by faith, I’ll follow You. Thank You for opening the door. Graciously, confidently, I’ll walk through and stand in the wide open space of Your glory and grace, praising Your holy name. To You be the glory!

I love You Lord, and am thrilled to be on this marvelous mission with You!! Please bless and protect me as I go in Your Most High and Holy Name. Amen.

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