Friday, February 02, 2007

Love Enough To Give

2 Corinthians 9:7
Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

O God My Father,
Majesty, honor and power belong to You. Everything in heaven and on earth is Yours. Riches and glory come from You. High and lifted up, You rule and reign over everything. Your mighty hands are strong enough to build a magnificent Church full of faithful followers.

Who are we that we should be able to give You anything? Everything we have is Yours. Help us to use the rich resources You’ve so generously given us to build Your church into a beautiful temple where people can divinely encounter You.

One stone does not make this ornate, palatial structure, or even a single wall. We’re all living stones – valuable gems, precious treasures – uniquely shaped by You for a particular purpose. As we’re intricately interconnected our efforts are multiplied and a holy and sacred palace arises from Your Almighty Foundation, Jesus Christ

With our hearts set firmly on You, we’ll love enough to cheerfully give our personal treasures to build a glorious place to worship You, the High King of Heaven. Stir in the Spirit of every able bodied believers to industriously volunteer their time, expertise, and wealth. The job of building a strong Church is enormous and requires a plethora of rich resources.

Young and inexperienced, we need to carefully follow the work instructions found in our Bibles. When the work is done right, people entering our sanctuary will meet You personally. As we genuinely give back to You with happy hearts what is rightfully Yours, we’ll not only build strong Churches, but also strong bridges connecting people in our communities to Your heavenly kingdom.

Together, we give You thanks and jubilantly celebrate everything You’ve given us in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Time is precious in this busy world. Money is prized in our materialistic society. Expertise is priceless in an intellectual culture. It all came from God. Do you love Him enough to give it all back to Him?

I encourage you to read 1 Chronicles 28 & 29. I wonder what the church would be like if people responded the same way today? What would happen if we ALL acknowledged God? What would be the result if EVERYONE served him with wholehearted devotion and a willing mind? What would it be like if we desired to serve Him above all else? Envision the outcome if we came together, as strong living stones, to do the work we’ve been created to do? Imagine the temple we could build for our Holy God, if every believer in the church gave with heartfelt devotion all of their time, expertise, and wealth to building Churches and bridges for God’s Kingdom!

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