Friday, August 12, 2005

The Speedway of Life

This Prayer Pal is a testimony of God’s saving grace as revealed to me on my recent escapade through the Ohio River Valley.

Dangerously traveling down I-71 from Ohio to Kentucky at a speed more than 90 mph, God revealed the speed demon in me. It comes out when I am tired, driving down an open highway, and urgently wanting to get to my destination. God in His saving grace turned on the flashing red light and sounded the shrill alarm. Capturing my undivided attention, He screamed into my heavy heart, "You reckless fool! (Proverbs 14:16) Slow down! Fools die for lack of judgment!" (Proverbs 10: 21)

Out of fear and respect for His Authority, I acknowledged my disastrous decision to drive like Speed Racer. Recognizing the potential consequences of my belligerent behavior, I immediately released the petal from the metal. As I obediently exited the collision course for the Heavenly High Way, God took advantage of my recklessness to teach me a good lesson on the speedway of life.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Ephesians 5:17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is.

I lift my heart to You O Lord!
In You I place my trust!

Thank You for slowing me down and safely guiding me to the Heavenly High Way. In the midst of my recklessness and potentially disastrous decision, I learned that life is a speedway. Zooming down it carelessly, I often pay little or no attention to the limits of the Law. Often I am on a collision course that could lead to death or destruction, while inflicting pain or injury on others. Traveling down the open freeway of life, I am often tired and just want to get to MY destination. In my haste, I do not have time to stop for Bible Study or prayer. I dash into church on Sunday morning for a fly-by sermon with my mind racing to the next destination. I am in such a hurry that I bypass all the beautiful blessings You have for me on the Heavenly High Way. With my mind focused on reaching MY destination, I miss Your good, pleasing and perfect will for my life.

Forgive me for recklessly abandoning Your Authority! I am on a dangerous road to destruction! Stop me! Go to any length to get my attention! Surround me with Your mercy and love. Guide me safely to the slower Heavenly High Way where beautiful blessings abound. At a safer pace, I will be more cautious. Unhurried, my mind will be free to think about the Law and obey it. I will have more deliberate time for Bible Study and prayer. Church will no longer be a drive-by experience, but a time of meaningful worship. Relaxed and refreshed, I will follow the road leading to Your good, pleasing and perfect will. It will be a delightful and peaceful ride to a pretty place of purpose and pleasure.

You are God my Savior. In the name of Jesus, please deliver me from the speed demon that is robbing me of the fullness of life. Save me from the destructive road of destruction for Your name sake. Amen.

Are the red lights flashing? Is the shrill alarm sounding? Is God trying to get your attention to stop and turn to the High Way to Heaven? If He is speaking to you through my experience, pull over and obey! In obedience there is always blessing.

I did not get pulled over by the authorities of the world. But I did get stopped by the only Authority. Unfortunately, I continue to find myself speeding down the highways. Now, however, I am acutely aware of God’s strong hand on me convicting me of my foolish rebellion.

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