Monday, August 08, 2005

Ps 61: 1-4

Hear my cry O God;
Listen to my prayer.
From the ends of the earth I call to you,
I call as my heart grows faint;
lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
For you have been my refuge;
a strong tower against the foe
I long to dwell in your tent forever
and take refuge in the shelter of your wings.

My Father, My Maker , My Rock , My God , My Refuge,
I praise You for Your greatness. You are mighty and powerful. Thank You for showing me Your wonderful gracious love. As my eyes gaze at the fascinating red rock sculptures You created in Sedona I remembered that You are my Rock. In their breathtaking beauty I see pillars of glory and feel Your presence. Your work is marvelously perfect! You are upright, steadfast, solid, stable and unmovable. I desperately want to climb to the pinnacle of one of these spectacular wonders and hide in the shelter of Your presence where:

Calamities cannot find me
Pestilence cannot consume me
Deadly plagues cannot devour me
Venomous vipers cannot make me their victim
Terror cannot reign down on me

As I look up and all around, I realized there was no way I could climb the rocks because they are inaccessible to humans which is what keeps them pristine and beautiful, holy and pure. Thank You for whispering in my ear, "Follow me, I will guide You to the Rock. Trust me I will lead You." Thank You for making the Rock accessible to me through Christ Jesus. My heart is weak. I am depending on You to be my strength and energy. I am counting on Your protection. With Your help O God, I will climb and find refuge in the overwhelmingly beautiful Rock. I will peacefully rest in the safety of Your presence forever because You alone are my Rock and my Salvation. Amen

Reflect on the beauty of the Rock.

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