Monday, July 21, 2008

An Overwhelming Flood

Nahum 1:7-8
The LORD is good,
a refuge in times of trouble.
He cares for those who trust in him,
but with an overwhelming flood
he will make an end of Nineveh.

Almighty, Avenging God,
You are a jealous God who will not tolerate being belittled by idols made with human hands. As the wealthiest, most powerful, independent nation on earth we have arrogantly ignored You, igniting Your indignation, like Nineveh in Nahum’s day. In a star-struck stupor, and addicted to our stuff, our judgment is impaired and we’re unprepared for the devastating floods that are coming when You judge our land.

Right now we are witnessing floods of monumental proportions:

Deluged by debt, millions of Americans are losing their homes to foreclosure. America’s suburban dream is collapsing in the flood of foreclosures.

Battered by a gloomy crisis of confidence, the federal government is moving quickly to shore up lending institutions, as inflation rises and energy prices soar, leaving in its wake a swelling sense of insecurity in our savings.

Families are struggling to keep their heads above water with climbing fuel and food costs. Fighting to save their homes, feed their children, and pay for fuel, they’re just trying to ride the tide hoping they won’t be carried away in the surge.

We’re living in scary times. Could this steady flow of instability be the overwhelming flood that will destroy our rich and self-sufficient land? Could You be igniting Your indignation on our star-struck, stuff-stuck nation? I don’t know. But, Your Word is true – an overwhelming flood is in the forecast and I want to be prepared.

Submerged in a devastating crisis, I don’t want to be afraid. You are a high rock on which I can confidently climb. On You, I can assuredly rest until the tide of trouble recedes. You promise to care for those who trust in You. Now, please give me the faith to cling to You and bravely watch with wonder while You work to bring glory to Your name on earth. Amen.

In two days alone last week, I collected the following headlines from the front pages of two newspapers:

Signs of a growing crisis: ‘Relentless flow’ of bad economic news suggests there’s no easy way out

‘Payback’ for debt-fueled growth?

Across the economic spectrum, predictions of tough times ahead

A move to ‘calm people’s fears’: US puts in place backstop plan to boost Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac loans

Pondering these frightening headlines in my heart I began to wonder, how many in the Church are being swept away by the overwhelming flood of fear? Fear of losing their homes and possessions? Fear of losing their financial security? Fear of how they’ll pay for fuel to heat their homes and food to feed their families?

God didn’t make us to be star-struck or stuff-stuck. He made us to be stuck on Him. He didn’t intend for us to live in homes that are larger than we can afford, or to depend on the performance of our portfolios. He made us to live simply, find satisfaction in the small stuff, and rely on Him for our daily provision.

If you are caught up in the devastating financial flood that’s sweeping through our nation, get your eyes off the stars, unload your stuff, climb up on the Rock, cry out to the Lord, and trust Him to take care of you.

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