Friday, July 08, 2005

John 7:37

This Prayer Pal was inspired as I stood on the rocky shore of
Oak Creek in Sedona, AZ in awe of God’s holiness.

John 7: 37 Jesus said, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him."

God of all creation,
I have seen Your wonder and majesty in the pristine beauty of a gaily flowing stream. As the water rushed down the mountain I thought of You. Jesus, You are a steady stream of living water that flows down from above and into my heart. You meander through the dark valleys and deserts of my life, sometimes in torrents, other times gently trickling; always refreshing my dry and weary spirit. God, as I stood on the banks of this beautiful stream, beneath splendid red rock mountains, my heart danced for joy because I knew Your precious water would gush over me and cleanse me of all unrighteousness. O God this marvelous stream is teeming with everlasting life. Thank You that I can freely come to it, take a long luscious drink and be re-energized. O how I long to linger on the shore, climb on the rocks, and bask in the Son. There on the Rock, the Son shines on my heart filling it with Jesus joy. O Lord, please let Your stream of living water flow in me and through me so that others will see Jesus and know the reason for my laughter and cheer. I love You Lord because of the faithful Stream of Living Water. Amen.

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