Monday, December 04, 2006

Heart Ablaze

Luke 3:16
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

2 Timothy 1:6
Fan into flame the gift of God, which is in You.

Holy Spirit,
You are a raging fire that cannot be contained! Light the match of Your holy love and breathe Your divine power on me! With intense heat, burn away all the problems and pain from my past.

F ear may dampen my relationship with You, but a flickering flame can be fanned into radiant light again. Fan into flame the powerful gift that is in me.

I dolatry may diffuse my affection for You. Rekindle the glow by taking captive my time and thoughts and making them obedient to You.

R ebellion may smother my ability to behold Your regal glory. Ignite my faith with courage to believe and obey You.

E gotism may extinguish the flame of intimacy. Throw the fuel of Truth on it to show me how wretched, pitiful, blind and naked I am.

Melt my cold, hard heart until it’s completely malleable. Then, cast a stunning new heart for me in Your perfect image.

Utterly impassioned by You, I’ll be spiritually combustible this Christmas! Exploding with love, I’ll be tenderhearted and merciful. Bursting with joy for all that You’ve done for me, my goodness and generosity will glow brilliantly. As I crackle with unexpected kindness, people will experience the true Spirit of Christmas. Please show me someone who needs the warmth of Your love and I’ll fan into flame the fire in my heart on them for the glory of Your name. Amen.

I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit to ignite a fire in your heart so that others will experience Christ when they encounter you this Christmas.

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