Thursday, October 02, 2008

Trust in God's Name

Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Almighty God-
You are my One and Only true source of escape and protection. Forgive me for relying on chariots and horses: family and friends, money and materialism, desires and dreams for security.

In times of distress, I need to run right into Your all-sufficient strong arms. Rather than collapsing during crisis and conflict I can stand firm with You. When inadequacy and insecurity immobilize me I can aggressively look them in the eye and boast in Your powerful name, declaring:

Jehovah-Jirah The Lord will provide
Jehovah-Nissi The Lord is my banner
Jehovah-Tsidkenu The Lord is my righteousness
Jehovah-Shalom God is peace
Jehovah-Rapha The Lord will heal
El Roi My God sees
El Shaddai My God is Almighty
Adonai Lord, my Master

I may lose my friends and family, money and materialism, desires and dreams but I will never, ever lose my relationship with You. Trusting in Your love, mercy and grace is my only source of hope, joy and peace in this troubling world.

Assured of the saving power of Your strong right hand, I will rejoice in You, celebrating the victory by singing the wonders of Your glorious name forever. Amen.

In these troubling days, who or what are you placing your trust in?

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