Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Tough Choice

Matthew 6:24
Jesus said, "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money.

My Dear Master,
Your Word is my startling wake up call. It is loud and clear. Today, You’re asking me to make a difficult choice. Will I love You more than the almighty dollar? Living in a materialistic culture, it’s a tough decision.

The world is calling me to join in the hot pursuit for power, prestige, and possessions. Everywhere I turn there is another attractive demand for my time and energy. The Prince of Darkness is fully intent on toppling me from my lofty and safe haven with You. People everywhere delight in his lies. Consumed with materialism they’re hard-pressed like heartless, mindless, and lifeless plastic toys. Caught up in commercialism, they’re greedy, miserable and selfish. I can’t possibly listen to them and follow You.

With all my heart, mind and soul, I want to love You more than status and stuff. Rather than being fascinated by wealth, I want to be mesmerized by all the magnificent riches of heaven. Captivate my mind with pure and clean thoughts. Clear thinking is priceless and will help me make right decisions in the dark days ahead. Fill my heart with precious peace and love so that I can calmly pour it out on people who are panicked and perplexed by their spiraling problems.

O Lord, thank You for the gift of glorious everlasting life. No amount of money can buy access to heaven, a peaceful mind or lively heart. Enthralled with You, I’ll authentically live a life of love by being generous, kind and altruistic at all times. Instead of chasing the almighty dollar, I choose to passionately pursue You, Jesus, the One and Only source of all blessings and happiness now and forever. Amen.

Can you honestly say you love God more than money? One test is to ask which one occupies more of your thoughts, time and effort these days. Whatever you love, you will spend much time and energy thinking about.

I encourage you, in these dark days of uncertainty, to read your Bible, pray earnestly, and think about what really matters: God.

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