Thursday, May 29, 2008

Battle of the Mind

2 Corinthians 10: 3-5
For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

O God You are my Knight in Shining Armor! You rescue me and train me to fight fair and square. Your promises are the bedrock on which I firmly stand.

I’m fighting impurity and unrighteousness in a hateful, hostile world! Everywhere I turn, I’m bombarded with bullets of temptation. My mind is the battlefield where speculation, knowledge, and thoughts take place. Skirmishing with sin in a corrupt culture is a dangerous place to exist! I need You, God Almighty, to reach down from heaven and snatch me out Satan’s perilous grip.

By Your Spirit, I’ll claim the divinely powerful promises You’ve given me to destroy the barbarians who manipulate my mind with masterful marketing. Wielding the swift, sharp sword of Your Word, I’ll slash warped philosophies and cut through barriers erected against the Truth. You are my Commander-in-Chief. With my thoughts completely submitted to Your control, You’ll order every loose idea, emotion, and impulse to obedience.

As a loyal solider in the Army of Angels, please train and equip me with godly principles so that I’m adequately prepared to fight for what’s right in my uncivilized, unscrupulous surroundings. I want to know my Commander and recognize His rumbling voice. I want to believe Him! I want to trust Him! Above all, I want to obey Him and live triumphantly in the blessing of His fortified castle forever and ever! Amen.

What do you need to do to prepare your mind for the immense spiritual battle with evil and temptation in the uncivilized and unscrupulous society where you live, work and play?

Spiritual warfare is a reality that must be faced! It won’t go away. It is time to prepare ourselves to wage war, not as the world does, but with the weapons provided by the Spirit of God. – Dave Butts, The Devil Goes to Church

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