Friday, January 15, 2016

God Winked While I Worked: A Trip Down Memory Lane

God winked while I worked and gave me a sweet little trip down memory lane. From 1989 – 2006 I passionately sold Longaberger Baskets. Being in top sales and recruiting with Longaberger afforded me the opportunity to stay home with my boys when they were little. It also gave me the sales foundation necessary to do what I do today. The group I belonged to was based out of Green Castle, PA.

Brenda McQuait was my branch and regional advisor for many years. During those years I regularly made the 110 mile trek on 81 South to Green Castle for sales meetings after working all day and with two little boys at home. It was a LONGGGGG trek … even after I stopped working full-time.

Last night I trekked a few miles further south to Hagerstown, MD. Driving alone in the pitch black night, in complete silence, I lovingly remembered all my basket buddies as though it were just yesterday. I pictured Brenda’s pretty little brick house on Allison St. I smelled the delightful aroma of a Yankee Candle burning in her cozy kitchen. All of us basket-crazed girls were gathered in a tight circle in the living room surrounded by beautiful new products gibberishly jabbering about all their amazing uses and lusting to own them! Inhaling deeply, the smell of fresh basket stain filled my nostrils. (There really should be a Yankee Candle with that scent!) The attractive awards lined up on the mantle lured me. I could taste the drive, desire, and success that burned within me throughout those memorable years long ago.

Tired after a full day’s work, I wondered how I regularly made the roundtrip in a single night when my kids were little so many years ago.

I won a Priceline Bid for a room at the Ramada Inn on Halfway Blvd in Hagerstown, MD. When I pulled up to the hotel the first thing I noticed was the Fireside Restaurant. I thought, “I think I had dinner here once with my basket buddies: Brenda, Linda, and Ellen.” Precious friends whom I haven’t seen in years; and yet, if we were to see each other today we’d pick up right we left off.

I entered the hotel lobby and smilingly thought, “Yes, I’ve been here before. This is where our Regional Meetings were held. Right in THAT conference room,” directly off the lobby.

With a grin from ear to ear I checked in and thanked God for orchestrating my stay in a place where so many fond memories were made. It wasn’t luxurious like many of the hotels where I stay on business travel. But, it was warm and cozy because of the memories. This was where I got my start and passion for public speaking; where I won many accolades and awards for my performance; where my confidence was formed. God knew where He was taking me.

This morning I had a meeting at the hotel next door. At breakfast I was sharing my nostalgia with some ladies. The one lady pointed to the empty seat next to her where someone strew a pocketbook and coat, and then disappeared. She said, “You need to talk to Jen.”

When she came back, I introduced myself and enthusiastically shared my story. I discovered that Jen was a Longaberger Consultant too. She was in Brenda’s branch with me for a short time before branching out with my very dear friend, Linda, who lives in Hagerstown. What are the chances that a woman whose path intersected with mine almost 20 years ago would sit at my table and reminisce with me about baskets over breakfast while I worked, catching me up on the life of a friend who strongly influenced my life many years ago?

I believe God winked to let me know He orchestrated this meeting to show me just how far He has brought me; how He has woven my past into my present as He continues to create the tapestry of my life. God delivered me from those strong desires for material possessions and that vigorous drive for success. He’s given me incredible peace and contentment in Jesus, His Son. Those precious ladies and unforgettable memories are all part of His Divine Design. I am humbled and grateful that God winked while I worked!

Thanks, Marcy, for introducing me to godwinks!

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