Friday, January 29, 2016

God Winked While I Worked: Proposals, Parties, and Presents

I had busted my brain most of the week preparing two complex proposals for two large prospective clients. The night before I was to present them, I traveled to Columbia, MD, and checked into a plush hotel for a good night's rest so that I'd be at the top of my game the next day.

That night, I planned to meet up with a few friends at a mixer. For me, socializing is a tremendous stress reliever.

As soon as I walked into the party and introduced myself to the young lady at the registration desk, I discovered that she was working with my boss on a potential project. I was familiar with the project and her name ... and now I was meeting her, not by chance. Did God wink and put her in my path for a purpose?

I then met up with a young professional woman who I've been mentoring for a few months. She
handed me a belated and completely unexpected Christmas gift in a pretty bag. Tearing away the tissue, I was surprised to find a silver chest containing a sparkling Waterford Crystal Limited Edition Snowflake Vase, along with a dainty little dazzling ornament, and a very thoughtful handwritten note of gratitude. Smiling, I looked up wondering if God winked again and gave me this gift to affirm the use of my gifts, and that I was right where He wanted me.
A short time later, my name was selected from all the attendees to win a $100 Visa gift card. I couldn't have orchestrated it, but God could.

After the mixer, I went to a trivia party with a girl God sent into my life on an earlier trip to the area. I'm smart, but not a walking encyclopedia, so, I usually go to these things for the gab not the game. Believe it or not, I helped score one for the team by answering the name of Dumbo's mouse. Watching that movie over and over again with my boys many years ago paid off. What was his name? Timothy, of course!

While at Trivia, I received an unexpected voice mail from another sweet friend whom I hadn't seen in several months. She had heard that I was in the area to present two proposals and wanted to wish me luck, and see if we could meet up for lunch. How did she hear? Was that another God wink?

It seemed like God kept winking to convince me that He was behind the scenes working all things out for my good and His glory.

Lastly, when I woke up during the night I read a devotional on my phone that said, "Rejoice and be exceedingly glad; for great is your reward in heaven. Rejoice because your name is written in heaven. You are eternally safe and secure through both suffering and success."

In the morning, I got up and went off to present the proposals with full assurance of God's presence and power.

The first one, with a large global telecom company was well received. There are a few more steps to take, but It's advancing and will likely result in a future sale.

The second one, with a chief learning officer at a large government agency, was a blockbuster. Without even presenting the proposal, she said, "I want these two offerings, and this one, and this one; and I want pricing on this and that. We'll get started as soon as I receive my budget."

God who calls us, also equips us and goes with us. No matter the outcome whether I win or lose, in suffering or success, I rejoice that my name is written in heaven. Heaven is the ultimate reward where those who believe in Jesus will be safe and secure forever, enjoying all His glorious riches.

Thank you God, for winking while I worked!

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