Friday, July 22, 2011

Remarkable Faith

1 Thessalonians 3:8

For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord.

Your Eternal Word, O Lord, stands firm forever in heaven. The horizons can't contain Your commands. By them my life was saved.

All around me are fear and trembling in the midst of a global shakedown. The economy is humiliating lofty lifestyles. Strong earthquakes and violent volcanoes are crushing communities. An unstoppable oil gusher is killing the sea. There's no end in sight to the wars and conflicts around the world. Proud people are sarcastically saying, "Where is your God?" Some supposed believers, scared sick by the darkness, despair, and difficulties, are hopelessly throwing up their hands and walking away from You; while others are seeking to be soothed with smooth sounding words that are insecure and insincere.

Your instructions, O Lord, are my only hope. They promise to hold me up in bad times. When the rest of the world is quaking and quivering, I want to stand firm on them like the Thessalonians. As I reflect on them day and night, enlighten the eyes of my heart to see the Blessed Hope to which You have called me. With my eyes laser focused on You, I will never forget:

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, my Savior and Redeemer who joyfully endured the excruciating cross, scorning its shame, and ultimately sat down at the right hand of Your high and holy throne in heaven.

Because of Your rich mercy I am alive with Christ, and seated with Him in the heavenly realms where I have unlimited access to Your mighty power 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Through Him, I can cheerfully handle any problem, pressure or pain that pierces my heart.

Lord, when You come on the clouds with the heavenly host, and it could be any day now, I want to be ready and waiting, standing obediently on the platform of Your promises. I can't wait for the Soul Train to come from Glory to carry me away to live with You forever in the unshakable Kingdom of Heaven. Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

How is faith holding up these days? Are you laser focused on Jesus, God's Word? Will you be found waiting and ready like the Thessalonians, standing obediently on the platform of God's promises? Or will you be wondering around looking for an easier way out? God's Word is clear:

Dear children, the last hour is here. You have heard that the Antichrist is coming, and already many such antichrists have appeared. From this we know that the last hour has come. 1 John 2:18

I challenge you to get in the Word and know Jesus intimately so that you won't be led astray by the masses of flattering teachers whose words sound good but in reality are insecure and insincere. No one is going to want to be messing around and missing the Soul Train. The whistle is blowing. It's approaching the station, many have a ticket but will miss their ride to Glory because they simply aren't ready and waiting, obediently standing on the platform of God's promises.

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