Monday, July 18, 2011

1 Thessalonians 2: 19-20

For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.

Father in Heaven,

Thank you for calling me into Your unshakable kingdom and radiant glory. Pondering Paul and his relationship with the people of Thessalonica, I am impressed with his remarkable joy:

After being beaten bloody and put behind bars for spreading the Word that Jesus saves, he was empowered and delighted to continue to do it.

Deeply devoted to his spiritual children, he was thrilled to live with them and work with them.

An exemplary example, He received immense pleasure comforting, encouraging, and urging them to live lives worthy of You and Your kingdom.

Watching them live out their faith and work through their troubles brought him incredible bliss.

Being with them was an intense desire of his heart because they were his pride and joy!

According to Your Word, You are coming, and possibly quite soon. On that remarkable day, You will host a spectacular awards ceremony for those who persevered in the game of life. In Your presence, I want to hear You call my name, enthusiastically go forward, and proudly receive the revered Soul Winner's Crown that will be bestowed on those who sacrificed their lives to rescue people from the fiery flames of Hell, and revive their hearts.

Help me dear Lord, by the power of Your Word, to hold unswervingly to the Blessed Hope of Heaven and fearlessly and faithfully share it with others. While many will snicker at it and walk away, those who accept it will bring me the same remarkable joy that the Thessalonians brought to Paul. When my family and friends reject me for my faith, I will be securely knit forever with my dearly loved spiritual family and Christ. Living with them and working with them will be an incredible blessing. Comforting, encouraging, and urging them to live lives worthy of Your family name will be an enormous honor. Watching them live out their faith and work through their troubles will bring me remarkable joy. My pride and joy, it will be a privilege to stand with them in Your presence when Jesus our Master appears in all His glory, splendor and majesty. Amen.

The crowns we wear in heaven must be won on earth. Will you receive the Soul Winners Crown for sacrificing your life to rescue people from the fiery flames of Hell, and revive their hearts?

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