Friday, August 29, 2008

Whining in the Wilderness

Psalm 106:13-15
But it wasn't long before they forgot the whole thing,
wouldn't wait to be told what to do.
They only cared about pleasing themselves in that desert,
provoked God with their insistent demands.
He gave them exactly what they asked for—
but along with it they got an empty heart. MSG

O Dear God!
It makes me sick to think how much I’m like the Israelites! I have seen Your mighty works! I too was a slave. Addictions, attractions and afflictions owned me. I was held captive by power, prestige, and possessions. Satisfaction, security, and significance seized me. The excruciating work was unending. I was hopeless and helpless until You came along and miraculously purchased me. Setting me free, You promised me a bigger, better and brighter future – a gloriously beautiful home in heaven, and a fortune beyond my imagination. I was eager and excited to pursue a new life with You.

Sadly, I’ve lost focus and forgot all that You’ve done for me. Wandering in the wilderness, I can no longer see heaven on the horizon. The hope I had for a great fortune is gone. I’ve lost sight of You and am unhappy. I don’t like the uncomfortable living conditions. It’s not what I expected. Sin, suffering and sorrow have scorched me. I’m parched by problems and pain. Kicking and screaming like a spoiled child, I want to go home! I crave the pleasures and treasures left behind. I can’t wait for You! I’m going to do it my way!

O God, have mercy on me for my little faith! I don’t want to be like the contentious Israelites! I see what happened to them. You gave them exactly what they asked for – but along with it they got an empty heart! Please don’t let my heart be empty! Fill it with to overflowing with Your love and power. Then, in the midst of my misery, I’ll rejoice and give thanks to You for accomplishing Your will in my life. I’ll be able to sing sweet songs of salvation in my sadness, and powerfully plead for patience during pain. Full of You, I’ll smile when I feel like crying and keep walking vigorously toward the heavenly home You promised because of Jesus. Amen.

Are you like me, unable to wait while wandering in the wilderness? I encourage to you to make a list of all the miracles God has done for you. Carry it with you as you walk with Him and remember His promises! He didn’t promise it would be easy. He did promise to supply you with sufficient strength to endure all situations. Will you believe Him?

A few of the miracles God has given me:
He set me free from my sins. He adopted me and gave me a new life, despite my deficiencies. He allows me to represent His kingdom on earth. He entrusts me with His Word. He walked with me slowly through the valley of death, allowing me to pick a beautiful bouquet of blessings as we went. He has called a faithful prayer team to protect my family and me. He has been so good to me! I hope I’ll always remember!

“Life is hard, but my heart is harder. I’d rather complain than rejoice in my circumstances.”

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