Monday, August 18, 2008

Laughter of God

Ps 126: 1-3
When the LORD restored his exiles to Jerusalem,
it was like a dream!
We were filled with laughter,and we sang for joy.
And the other nations said,
"What amazing things the LORD has done for them."
Yes, the LORD has done amazing things for us!
What joy! NLT

Loving Lord of Laughter-
I rejoice that You’re not a God of sadness, but the Lord of joy. Thank You for the gift of laughter. I respectfully recognize that You’re a holy, reverent, authoritative Judge. I also know, at the end of the day, You’re a loving Father with a lighter side who comes home to play and amuse His children. You created us for Your pleasure. Along with the dark realities of corruption, affliction and loss, there is lighthearted laughter, and liveliness. Throughout Your Holy Book, there are celebrations and laughter. Feasts, parties, reunions, and weddings abound in Your Kingdom. There’s many occasions to celebrate.

It’s an honor to celebrate each other’s victories over challenges. It is our way of thanking You for the great things You have done. Our hearts dance and leap for joy when a lost sibling returns home. Love tickles our hearts when You perform a miracle before our very eyes and restore them. Your home is not always sober and solemn. It is often a delightful place of amusement, excitement, and enjoyment. As Your beloved children, we have the right to play, pray and laugh together!

Please help me to adopt a lighter attitude and see the funny side of every day situations. With a light heart, I will be resilient when times are tough. Anger and anxiety will dissipate when I exert enthusiasm, excitement and energy. Bless me with a sense of humor that will infect the unbelievers I meet today with a contagious chuckle. When I laugh with them, our hearts will bond. They will want to join in the party when they see the fun we have together because of Jesus. Amen.

Imagine! Christians can have fun! Have a good belly laugh with someone today. It’s likely to be contagious! Humor is the healing balm that covers hidden hurts and heartache.

Jesus said, “We had to celebrate and be glad.” Luke 15:32

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