Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Way to the Dance

John 14:6
Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

You are the Narrow Way into the Divine Dance! Without You no one can come into Your Father’s house. Thank You for revealing the Truth to me. By Your grace I will enter. Taking Your strong arm, I believe You will triumphantly escort me to the throne room of heaven where I will see the long awaited King of Glory surrounded by an exulted choir of angels singing: Glory to God, all glory in the highest. O come let us adore Him. O come let us adore Him. O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord.

From there, I believe You will show me to all the treasures of heaven. Arm in arm, You will joyfully usher me to the room You promised, prepared and paid for in advance. This is the blessed life I’ve always longed for! Glory, hallelujah!

Multitudes will try to work their way into the wedding feast of the Lamb, but that won’t gain them access. Important people will seek to use their influence for acceptance; while, that may have been effective here on earth, for this gig, they’ll have to know You intimately. Powerful people will be promptly stopped when they make every effort to push their way through. The rich will attempt to buy their entry, but tickets for the Main Event aren’t for sale. They’re free, bought by the blood of the Lamb, and readily given to all those who humbly acknowledge You as Sovereign Lord of the Dance.

Thank you for inviting me to Heaven, Your Father’s House. United with You, I will gladly come and live with You forever there. Alleluia. Amen.

Dear one, make heaven your earnest desire this Christmas! Jesus is coming for those who long to be with Him there!

People today want to believe that all paths, all roads, and all faiths lead to God; they want to believe that all religions are equal. They want to believe that all people will be saved. Jesus cuts through all this nonsense about other paths, other faiths, and other ways into Heaven, His Father’s House: He is the Way we go. He is the Truth we know. He is the Life we live. Apart from Him, there’s no Way in! Believe!

Jesus said to crowd, "Make every effort to enter through the narrow door, because many, I tell you, will try to enter and will not be able to.” Luke 13:24

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