Thursday, December 20, 2007

Take Your Inheritance

Matthew 25:34
Jesus said, "Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world.”

Jesus, You are my Beloved King and Heavenly Father,
This sacred invitation makes me giddy with excitement! I can’t wait for the Day when You open the Lamb’s Book of Life, recognize me as Your blessed Bride and call me to come. Joyfully, I’ll come to You, triumphantly claiming the vast inheritance promised me before the creation of the world – the kingdom of heaven!

I long for the Day when You will carry me away in the Spirit to a high and mighty mountain and show me the spectacular view of the Holy City coming down from heaven. Your glory shining more brilliantly than a very precious jewel will surely take my breath away. I’ll marvel at the high jasper walls around the Golden City. The gates made of a single shimmering pearl will be stunning. The foundations of the City walls will be decorated with more priceless gems than I could ever dream of. The pure gold streets, translucent as glass, will lead right to Your magnificent throne at the City Center where people from every nation, tribe and tongue will be worshipping You with one heart. The very thought of the splendid scene captivates me!

From Your high and holy throne You’ll make everything new. All of my defects and deformities will be made perfect. All my sin-seared scars will be removed. All my problems and pain will be gone. You will wipe every tear from my eyes. There will be no more death. No more crying. Never again will there be any darkness. Nothing dirty, defiled or deceitful will get into the City. Things will never be the same! In purity, splendor and safety, I will live and rule with You forever and ever.

I don’t want to miss this promised place because I’m unprepared. Help me by Your Holy Spirit to pray, praise and persevere until I reach Paradise, the Promised Land. Hallelujah! Amen!

We ought to be eagerly preparing for this glorious Day when we will meet the Lover we’ve always longed for by purifying ourselves daily through prayer, praise and perseverance. He’s going to come in a flash, at the twinkling of an eye, when we least expect it. The time to prepare for Paradise is now!

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you prepare. This is one invitation you don’t want to miss!

Jesus promises, “He who overcomes will inherit all this, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” Revelation 21:17

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