Thursday, March 15, 2007

Blessed Suffering

1 Peter 3:13-15
Now, who will want to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you suffer for doing what is right, God will reward you for it. So don't be afraid and don't worry. Instead, you must worship Christ as Lord of your life. NLT

Great God in Heaven,
I rejoice that Jesus is sitting right beside You at this very moment alive and well, talking to You on my behalf. He has the last word on everything and everyone. All the angels, authorities and powers submit to Him. Blessed assurance! So, if I know that He is in control of all things and all people, why do I worry and fret about what people will do to me?

With my eyes fixed on You, I’ll be richly blessed by:

Being affectionately sensitive and caring to all kinds of people
Living harmoniously with everyone
Encouraging others and rejoicing in their accomplishments
Sympathizing with the needs of the brokenhearted
Seeing and loving people as if they were my own brothers and sisters

People will see You in me when I refrain from retaliating against those who say unkind things about me. Rather than lashing out with malicious words of blame, my lips will glorify You by blessing those who seek to damage my reputation.

With my eyes staring straight at You, I’ll see the cross and the suffering You endured even though You were completely blameless. Remembering the great price You paid to restore my friendship with You will behoove me to react and respond mercifully to those who want to destroy my life. As long as I do what’s right, the shells being fired at me may sting, but they’ll be empty and harmless, embarrassing the enemy trying to annihilate me.

O Jesus, please set me apart as holy, ready to do what’s right in all situations and circumstances. With my heart at attention, in adoration and awe of Your extreme authority and power, my words and actions will honor You as Lord of my life and King of my heart, bringing glory to Your sacred name. Amen.

Who is trying to damage your reputation and destroy your life? Do you retaliate and seek revenge? It’s our human nature to want to fight back. However, your attitudes and actions show who you fear.

Rather, than fighting back with vicious words, go to God in prayer. Talk to him about your avenger. Relinquish control of the situation to Him. As you spend time in His Training Camp, Your Bible, He will begin to rule your thoughts and emotions, giving you the right strategy to fend off the stinging attacks. Surround yourself with an army of believers who can support you in the battle.

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