Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Excessively Contented

For many years, I was (and still am in many ways) a material girl living in a material world. I would only wear ridiculously expensive name brand clothes that I typically purchased at full retail price because I didn’t have time or patience to wait for a sale. I never thought twice about sending $700 - $800 at a time to adorn myself with pretty garments. Not only was I addicted to exquisite clothes, but also I was attracted to fine jewelry. My outward appearance determined my beauty and self-worth.

Fortunately, as I grew in my relationship with the Lord, He replaced my constant craving for food, another excessive habit, with a hunger for more of Him. Eventually, I lost a substantial amount of weight and needed a whole new wardrobe. Convicted of my compulsion, I made a needy co-worker very happy when I gave my entire lovely wardrobe to her. I replaced it with more modestly priced apparel that was equally nice-looking, and haven’t been on an extreme shopping spree in more than three years!

Just last week I had a "30% Off Friends and Family Pass" to shop at another store I revered for years. I walked in, looked at a price tag, and walked out empty handed. With my eyes open to the needs around me, I simply could not justify spending even the discounted price on something so frivolous.

Giving up my obsession for designer fashions has blessed me with the ability to help others financially. I look and feel good in my "ordinary" clothes because God has given me a miracle makeover that fits me perfectly. My self-worth and beauty no longer come from the label in my clothes; it comes from my identity in Christ.

Another one of my former fixations was collecting expensive baskets. Several years ago, the Holy Spirit broke my heart over orphans in Russia. Convicted of my misplaced priorities, I was compelled to sell hundreds (that’s right, hundreds) of my beloved baskets at auction to support an orphanage there. While I still enjoy the beauty of these treasured keepsakes, giving up my passion for them has allowed me to channel my resources to more noble causes. I’ve been blessed 100 times over for giving up my addiction!

I encourage you to take a hard look at where you’re spending your money. Jesus says, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Matthew 6:21

Having nice things isn’t the problem. Excessively desiring nice things is the issue. Misplaced, self-centered priorities were my hang up. I was hooked on "things". Retail therapy gave me a temporary high. As I began spending more time with God, He shined the light of His Word on my cold, dark heart. In the light of His Word, I could clearly see what mattered most to Him. Daily, I ask Him to replace my wants and wishes with a spirit of contentment so that I can be a Barnabas to others.

I’m far from perfect. God isn’t finished with me yet, but He has brought me a great distance from where I was six years. To Him be the glory forever and ever!

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