Wednesday, July 27, 2016

1 Thessalonians 4:7

1 Thessalonians 4:7
God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life.

Hebrews 12:14
Without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Holy Father,
I BELIEVE You have chosen me out of all the billions of people on the planet to be Your beloved child. Seeing beyond my problems to my potential, You brought me into Your holy household, cleaned me up, clothed me in a costly robe of righteousness, and covered my imperfections and impurities with the blood of Jesus. Purified and empowered, You equipped me to stay away from the corrupt customs of my country.

With all my heart, I want my lifestyle to be as remarkable as the Thessalonians. Create in me holy desires so that I will crave Your pure Word and not the filth of the flesh. Focusing on Your promises, when Satan hurls fireballs of lust through the windows of my eyes, shoots arrows of temptation through my heart, and sets snares to trap my feet You will be honored when I bring my thoughts and body under the control of Your Spirit. Divinely empowered, I will walk in holiness undeterred by the allures of the world.

Teach me, Holy Father, who You are so that I will have the proper respect for Your authority. I desire nothing more than to listen to You and do what You ask. With my own eyes I long to see You in all Your splendor and majesty. For Your namesake, according to Your Word make me holy. Amen.

We are called to live in this corrupt culture, but not comply with it. Keep God's commands, follow His instructions, and when you obey He will make you holy, according to His Holy Word. (Leviticus 20:7

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