Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Psalm 34:19

Psalm 34:19
A righteous man may have many troubles,
but the LORD delivers him from them all.

2 Corinthians 1:9-10
Indeed, in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us.

Every time I open the newspaper there's another article relating to cancer. Recently in the local paper there was a gigantic headline: SCARED SICK. It reported that Americans are scared sick of getting cancer.

Everything seems to be harmful to humans - the air, the sun, and a plethora of consumables. Household products like laundry detergent and oven cleaner and pet-flea control contain deadly toxins. Personal items like lipstick, deodorant, and talcum powder are under suspicion. It's not safe to consume processed meat, cheese or milk. Fresh fruits and vegetables are coated with contaminants. Plastic baby bottles, granite counter tops, and ordinary office supplies are a health risk. Most recently, the fear-tinged tizzy has been on cell-phones, our artificial appendage.

While the media frantically feeds us fear, one researcher boldly announced, "Cancer scares the Hell out of us." As well it should! Another researcher commented, "As a society we are so focused on the sound bite of getting an answer. We don't dig deeply enough to understand the nuances."

O Lord, have mercy on us! It's easier to focus on fear and seek intellectual answers than it is to dig deeply into Your Word and understand the truth. Your Word is full of promises that have stood the test of time. Those who know You have no reason to be scared sick. You never promised we'd live on Easy Street, but rather reside on Rough Road. A head-on collision with cancer is inevitable - for ourselves or someone we know. But, we don't have to be afraid because we have a Savior!

Indeed in our hearts we'll feel the inescapable sentence of death when we, or someone we love, receives a cancer diagnosis. But, when we know You and Your faithful promises, we'll be confident that it's happened so that we won't rely on our own mind or strength, but fully trust You - the One who raises the dead - to keep us from the doom of eternal damnation. Instead of being scared of it, we'll believe that You'll deliver us through the deadly peril to Heaven where we'll live and reign with You forever and ever because of Jesus our Savior. Hallelujah! Amen.

Are you, like the majority of society, consumed by the fear of cancer? It's wise to live healthy, eat right, exercise regularly and avoid deadly toxins, but there's no reason to be scared sick when you know the Savior. Determine to know your Savior more so that when you receive the inevitable sentence of death, you won't be scared of it, but trust instead, that He will deliver you from it's deadly peril to Heaven where you will live forever.

I know firsthand the truth of God's Word. Both of my parents have received the death sentence. God has delivered my Mom from death's grip and healed her, while delivering my Dad to Heaven's Gate. If anyone is destined for a head-on collision with cancer it's my family and me, but we're not scared of it. We have the hope of heaven - Jesus! Glory, hallelujah!

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