Friday, October 10, 2014

Proverbs 15:13

Proverbs 15:13
A happy heart makes the face cheerful,
but heartache crushes the spirit.

Proverbs 17:22
A cheerful heart is good medicine,
but a crushed spirit dries up the bone.

Father in Heaven-
I praise You for Your incredible ancient wisdom.

A casual glance at the world, with its wars, hatred, violence and evil makes me sad. Every day I see and hear horrible accounts of hurting people who in turn, inflict injuries on others. It grieves me that so many people in my community are crushed and hopeless. Yet, in the midst of crisis and catastrophe, there are stories and images that provoke a chuckle and a smile.

Thank You for the great gifts of laughter and cheer. A merry heart is used to bring healing and wholeness to that which would otherwise be brittle and broken. You know we need a good dose of cheer in these difficult days to bring a smile to our faces. A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down curing a crushed spirit and broken heart.

Please dear Lord, help me to unwrap Your enduring joy, peace and contentment when everything else around me seems to be falling apart. I don't have to stay in the dark dungeon of despair. Since You sent Your Son to rescue me, my glum days can change to glad days. With my heart, soul and mind focused on living happily ever after in the kingdom of heaven, I'll naturally smile and warmly greet others with a kind and encouraging word. Please make me a bubbling fountain of laughter where people can come, drink and be healed for Your namesake.  Amen.

Who can you offer a spoonful of sugar today?  There are hurting people everywhere. Take time to stop and notice them. Smile and offer them a kind word of encouragement. It may just be the medicine they need to cure their crushed spirit.

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