Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Luke 12: 22-23

Luke 12: 22-23
Then Jesus said to his disciples: "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes."

You are such a tender loving Teacher. This is a hard lesson for me to learn. Please stick with me until I figure it out! Every day I worry about:

Life - What if this or that happens?

Food - What should I put in my stomach today? Low fat or low carbs? How many calories and how much fiber does it contain?

Body - Am I too short, too tall, too fat, or too skinny? What will people think of me?

Clothing - What should I wear today? Black, brown, blue, white, blue, green, red, yellow? Do I look good?

Forgive me for wasting my time worrying about insignificant things. I should be more concerned with where I'll spend eternity, what I'll feed my mind, and the condition of my heart. Instead of looking at fads and fashions, I should thoughtfully walk through a field of wildflowers, gazing with wonder on their fabulous form. They never spend one minute primping or shopping; yet, they look dazzling.

Lord, I desperately need more faith to believe that I'm more valuable than flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow. Rather than worrying about my life, I resolve to trust You more this year. Living in Your presence, I'll realize the magnitude of Your love and follow Your perfect plan, trusting You to take care of all my needs day by day.

Giving my entire attention to what You're doing at the moment, I won't get worked up about the future. When tough times come, I'll trust You to sustain me for the glory and honor of Your life-giving name. Amen.

What temporal things are you worried about? What do you gain from worrying about these things? Resolve to trust God more this year by looking at life from an eternal perspective.

You can exercise rigorously, eat right, put on a pretty face and dress in the latest fashions, but it's all meaningless if you don't have a pure heart. When you appear before God's throne, He's not going to look at your fine physique, pretty face and fashionable wardrobe. He's going to examine your heart. Work out with Him by reading your Bible carefully. Feed on His power packed promises. Clothe yourself in righteousness, humility and love from the armoire of God. Then, you'll have nothing to worry about because you'll look and feel splendid.

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