Friday, December 21, 2012

Ezekiel 36: 25-27
Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean. Your filth will be washed away, and you will no longer worship idols. And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit in you. I will take out your stony, stubborn heart and give you a tender, responsive heart. And I will put my Spirit in you so that you will follow my decrees and be careful to obey my regulations. NLT

Heavenly Father,
You are the Maker of indescribable gifts. I hurry into Your holy presence unashamed to admit that I'm in desperate need of a new Christmas heart.

Consumed with materialism, I've become hard pressed like a cheap plastic toy that's heartless, mindless, and lifeless. Unscrupulous marketing convinces me to join the frenzy of panicked shoppers in the mad fight to buy the latest gizmos and gadgets. Glossy magazines persuade me to perfectly deck the halls of my home, and host impressive holiday parties. Santa Claus has replaced You as the father of Christmas. Caught up in commercialism, my heart has become greedy, hard, and selfish. By worshipping the false images of Christmas, I've forgotten the reason for
the season.

Please wash away the waste from Christmases past. When I'm clean, lay Your compassionate Christmas heart over mine, making a tender new heart for me. Shaped like Your Son and full of Your Spirit, my perspective will radically change. Suddenly, the joy of all the holiday fury will fade beneath the pure pleasure and divine excitement of making a permanent difference in the lives of others.

With an incorruptible new Christmas heart full of Your beautiful Christmas Spirit I will cheerfully share the heart of Christ with difficult people who cause division and discord. Thinking of You, I'll tenderly touch them with Your amazing love allowing them to feel the warmth of Your extravagant kindness and the softness of Your extravagant grace in my words and actions. Looking beyond their stony, stubborn hearts, I'll have a good-natured harmonious visit with them to glorify the Christ of Christmas. Amen.

What's your heart look like this Christmas? What are you worshipping? If you want to have an incredibly different kind of Christmas, ask God, with great expectation, to give You a heart like His this Christmas. When you are focused on the things that matter to His heart, your perspective of Christmas will be radically changed. The presents and people won't matter; His purpose will be the only thing that's important.

Will you touch prickly people for Him with your kind words and gracious actions in order to show them the heart of Christ? This is your opportunity to shine in the darkness like the radiant Christmas Star!

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