Monday, October 17, 2011

Ephesians 5:4, 17

Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes-these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. Understand what the Lord wants you to do. NLT

Thank You God my Father for clearly differentiating between appropriate laughter and inappropriate laughter. In Your home there is no tolerance for vulgarity.

Laughing at obscene stories, foolish talk and coarse jokes is forbidden. Unfortunately, the world we live in is full of entertainment that is morally repugnant. The movie and television industry either makes comedy of that which is holy, right, and good, or has us cracking-up at the crude, profane, and disgusting. Magazines promote passion and pleasure, while radio blares blaspheme. This momentary humor is merely a short-lived vapor that passes quickly, leaving a void in the soul that will lead to the brink of destruction. Forgive me for finding this kind of filth funny.

Godly laughter on the other hand is an expression of our heartfelt appreciation for the generous gifts You've so graciously given us. As we hang out with You in Bible study and prayer, we'll be entertained with wholesome stories that will build up our character. We'll be amused and amazed by Your transforming touch of greatness on our lives. We'll laugh at things that are good, right and true. Encouraging words that are lovely and admirable will put a smile on our face and a song in our heart. This life-giving laughter will fill the hole in our heart with love, joy, and peace that will lead us to everlasting hope.

Please dear Lord, give me a deeper appreciation for the good gifts You've given me. Help me to avoid being amused by immorality, and anoint my lips with praiseworthy words that will make a soul stooped over from the weight of sorrow smile because of Jesus. Amen.

Laughter speaks louder than words. Can people recognize that you are from the family of God by the things that make you laugh?

Be careful to understand the difference between biblical laughter and worldly laughter. One brings Him the glory, the other defamation.

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