Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Psalm 82:2-7

How long will you defend the unjust
and show partiality to the wicked?
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
"They know nothing, they understand nothing.
They walk about in darkness;
all the foundations of the earth are shaken."
"I said, 'You are "gods";
you are all sons of the Most High.'
But you will die like mere men;
you will fall like every other ruler."

O Great God who governs from beyond the galaxies,

You are the Mighty Magistrate righteously ruling and reigning over all the earth. From Your high and holy throne in heaven, You pronounce explicit orders for maintaining justice and peace. Without ever blinking an eye, Your global gaze is inescapable.

Obviously my poor performance hasn't gone unnoticed or You wouldn't ask, "How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?" You know that I'm inclined to show favoritism to influential individuals who can increase my position. You've watched me inaccurately interpret Your Word to intentionally impress people. You've seen me inappropriately intimidate the inferior to prevent them from being promoted. As a representative in the courts of heaven I'm utterly ignorant and ineffective! I can't begin to understand holy justice!

I admit that I've taken advantage of my deputy duties and made poor decisions. Humbly, I come to Your most high bench, pleading with You to instruct me. Beneath the Cross of Jesus, teach me holy justice. Under Your gracious authority, I'll practice integrity, defending the powerless and making sure the underprivileged get a fair deal. With Your help, I'll boldly stand up and speak out for the innocent, publicly indicting those who abuse them. Under Your Wise Counsel, I won't tolerate social injustice.

One day, possibly soon, each of us - rich and poor, strong and frail, wise and foolish - will drop down dead and appear before Your throne equally naked and empty-handed. The only riches we'll retain from our lives here on earth are those we've invested in the treasures of heaven: society's rejects. For that reason, I'm committing my time and talent to practicing holy justice for the honor of Your everlasting kingdom. Amen.

It's so much easier to defend the way of the world than it is to fight for the Kingdom of God. God has asked you a profound question, "How long will you defend the unjust and show partiality to the wicked?" What is your response?

Loving undesirables isn't a natural tendency. The only way to cultivate a heart for the hidden treasures of God is to ask the Holy Spirit to grow it in you. Read the Gospels specifically looking for those whom Jesus defended. At the top of a blank piece of paper make three columns. Label the columns: Good, Bad and Ugly. As you read, place the people Jesus defended in the appropriate column. It may surprise you.

May the Lord richly reward you as you seek to save the His treasures.

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