Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Authority Established by God

Romans 13:1
Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.

Most High Ruler~
All power and authority has been established by You: honest and corrupt, good and evil, democratic and autocratic, right and wrong. All authority in heaven and earth belongs to You. Looking back at ancient History, I can see how You work through wicked regimes:

  • If You hadn’t established the evil government of Pharaoh, then you couldn’t have shown Your strength to part the Red Sea and deliver the Israelites from his wicked rule.

  • If You hadn’t set-up the corrupt government of Pontius Pilate, You couldn’t have fulfilled Your plan to save the world through the death of Your dear Son.

Jesus clearly teaches that we should expect to be arrested, hunted down, and thrown in jail because we carry Your family name. On the witness stand, rather than worrying, we should trust Your promise to give us words and wisdom that will reduce our accusers to stammers and stutters.[a]

Again, all we have to do is look back at History and learn from the apostles who submitted to hateful leaders. When Peter and John were taken captive for showing kindness, they didn’t rebel or revolt. Instead, filled with the Holy Spirit, they testified to the Truth, proclaiming the name of Jesus. The authorities were left speechless and perplexed. The apostles chose to obey God’s authority at all costs. They were tormented and tortured, but didn’t vacillate in their testimony about repentance and forgiveness.[b]

Lord, You are the Most High and Sovereign King, the Only Righteous Ruler. When I’m faced by unjust authority, fill me with the Holy Spirit to stand up in power, submit to their rule, and trust You to defend me with words and wisdom. With You enthroned on my heart, I have no reason to fear man. Please give me more faith to believe that You will stand with me through trials, torment and torture. Please give me more power to testify to the Truth, proclaiming the name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

Jesus promises that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. What can you do today to prepare to submit to the authorities during your trials, torment and torture of tomorrow?

[a] Luke 21:12-15
[b] Acts 4:1-22, 5:17-42

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